Intensive Book Marketing, DAP


November 16-18, 2000

Opening Remarks
By: Atty. Dominador D. Buhain
Chairman, National Book Development Board


Mr. Lirio P. Sandoval, President of the Book Development Association of the Philippines
Mr. Roland de Vera, President of the Publishers’ Representative Organization of the Philippines, Inc.
Participants to this Intensive Book Marketing Seminar


Good morning!


It is an honor and privilege to have been invited to give the opening remarks on the occasion of the commencement of the seminar entitled “An Intensive Book Seminar” which will particularly delve on the “Preparation of a Marketing Plan and Making Effective Use of Available Channels of Distribution” which is hosted by the Publishers Representatives Organization of the Philippines (PROPS), with the support of the National Book Development Board and by a prestigious association, the Book Development Association of the Philippines (BDAP) to which our bookstore is also a member.


From a historical perspective, this Association in cooperation with other associations undeniably have played a pivotal role in the development of book activities in the Philippines.


This could even help explain why the legislators decided to adopt a substantially similar name for the board and the entire governmental agency itself under RA 8047 or the Book Publishing Development Act when it designated it as the National Book Development Board (NBDB).

It is also gratifying to take note that the unity which is being manifested now by the private sector maybe the cure to face the challenges or remove the obstacles that hinder the full blossoming of the book industry – be it in tradebooks, textbooks and other categorizations.


The presence of legislative measures requiring the establishment of reading centers in the 76 provinces, 45 cities and 1,443 municipalities posed a challenge for the stakeholders to satisfy the anticipated demand.


The immediate objectives of our association of encouraging the establishment of bookstores, the enrichment of libraries, together with the desired training of marketing personnel are indispensable requirements to attain our goals.


These activities are in fact supported by our National Book Policy. The only missing link now is the indispensable participation of the private sector.


I am glad that we have concerned people in the industry who have the social consciousness to share their expertise and proven experience by acting as facilitators in this seminar to ensure that maximum rewards will be derived by all concerned participants.


I have observed from the seminar program that all relevant topics and all the different aspects of book marketing such as bookstore sales or retailing, academic and library sales, trade exhibit sales, direct sales and marketing, guerilla marketing, distribution and preparation of a marketing plan are included in the three – day live-in seminar.


As stated earlier, we realize also that in so many parts of the country there are no bookstores and that if there are libraries, they are wanting in contents. This is a predicament that does not contribute to generating readership interests. No readers- no market. Few readers – small market.


The key to success and development of the market therefore is to generate interest in reading through institutional advocacy and to make the quality products accessible and affordable to the readers. I hope that these be seriously considered in the drafting of your marketing plan.


Parallel to this, those who have participation in government like your humble representation together with Ms. Karina Bolasco and Mr. Lory Tan who have recently been appointed as governors of NBDB shall endeavor to come up with legislative and other regulatory measures that will further uplift the book industry.


In fact, the NBDB has long presented legislative proposals that will give incentives in the form of tax privileges, better discounts and other initiatives to encourage the establishment of bookstores in remote areas.


This is backed up by Implementing Policy No. 4 of the National Book Policy which states: “Establishment of book retail outlets at the regional and provincial levels shall be given incentives.”


One initiative PEPA (to which I am an officer), had undertaken was to forge an agreement with the League of Municipalities for the establishment of more libraries and the enrichment of those which are not well provided.


The BDAP and other associations may consolidate their efforts to pursue a similar objective. In fact, Implementing Policy No. 5.1 states that: “Campaigns on book readership shall be intensified in coordination with established literacy and book readership organizations to avoid redundancy of operations and overlapping of functions, to consolidate efforts to eradicate illiteracy, and to promote book readership among Filipinos.”


Let us therefore make the most of this seminar and may this occasion instill in us the passion and desire of bequeathing to the next generations a more prosperous and intellectually enriched life. Thank you.

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