Acceptance Speech-SBCAA Oathtaking and Turnover Ceremonies



Atty. Dominador D. Buhain

(SBCAA Oathtaking and Turnover Ceremonies,

June 10, 2008,  San Beda College)



Rev. Mateo J. de Jesus, OSB, Rector-President

Rev. Fr. Benigno Benabarre, OSB, Assistant Alumni Moderator

Rev. Basil C. Apostol, OSB, Alumni Moderator


I am most pleased to receive this special service award from the Father Rector and my fellow Bedans in the Alumni Association.  This award will be treasured since it came from my alma mater, and from my dear brothers who have worked with me in the Alumni Board.


I now relinquish my post to a young, idealistic and dynamic Bedan in the person of Atty. Jonas Cabochan.  I am confident that with him at the helm, the San Beda College Alumni Association will be able to reach even greater heights of excellence.  You can be assured of my enduring support as I continue being of service to the Alumni Association as a Board Director.


I have been so privileged to have served our Alumni Association, and I know that in my own humble way, I have given much which my alma mater can be proud of.  Again thank you so much and congratulations to the next set of officers of our San Beda College Alumni Association.


Go San Beda Fight!

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